Support Independent Journalism at The Austin Informer
At The Austin Informer, we take pride in delivering unbiased, informed, and advertisement-free news to the people of Austin and beyond. As an independent news outlet, we have always been committed to maintaining the highest standards of journalism, free from the influence of political parties or government entities. Our mission is made possible through the generous support of readers like you.
When you support The Austin Informer, you also help our sister publication, The National Informer, continue its work of providing fact-based reporting across the country. Together, we stand as a unified voice for transparent and independent journalism.
If you believe in the importance of free, ad-free news, we encourage you to consider supporting The Austin Informer by donating today. Every contribution—no matter the size—makes a real difference in keeping our work going.
Thank you for standing with us and helping deliver real news you can trust.
The Austin Informer
Your source for Austin’s trusted news –
Independently funded. Powered by the support of readers like you.
The History of The Austin Informer
Founded in 1905, The Austin Informer quickly established itself as one of the most controversial and influential newspapers in Central Texas. Known for its bold stance on social justice issues and unflinching critiques of local politics, the paper often stirred emotions across the community. The Austin Informer was proud to describe itself as "The only Negro journal in Central Texas" (The Austin Informer, Vol. 46, no. 40, August 24, 1940), offering a much-needed platform for the African American community in a time when their voices were too often silenced.
Over the years, The Austin Informer tackled some of the most contentious issues of the day, from segregation and civil rights to police reform and voting rights. Its reporting often placed it at odds with powerful local figures, and the paper was no stranger to controversy. In fact, some credited The Austin Informer with helping to galvanize local movements for change, while others accused it of stirring division.
Despite its success in the early 20th century, financial pressures and increasing opposition from critics forced The Austin Informer to close its doors in 1978. The paper was sold to local businessman Reginald Jackson, who briefly revived it from 1980 to 1987. During this period, The Austin Informer regained some of its former prominence, particularly through its investigative reporting on local government corruption and economic disparity. However, the challenges of sustaining a print publication in a changing media landscape led to its second closure in 1987.
Fast-forward to 2018, when a small group of independent journalists, driven by a shared passion for truth and integrity, came together to revive The Austin Informer as a national platform. Now fully digital, The Austin Informer continues its long-standing tradition of delivering unbiased, well-researched stories on issues that matter to people across the country. From national politics and social justice movements to in-depth features on culture and community, our commitment to factual, responsible reporting remains unwavering.
However, despite its revival, The Austin Informer faces many challenges. As an independent outlet, we are not backed by corporate sponsors or large media conglomerates. Our team of dedicated journalists, who work tirelessly to uncover the truth and bring you informed news, do so on a voluntary basis. They sacrifice their time and energy to keep this legacy alive because they believe in the importance of a free and independent press.
But we can't do it alone. To continue providing ad-free, unbiased news, we rely on the generous support of readers like you. Every contribution helps us keep our digital doors open and ensures that we can continue delivering the honest, thorough journalism you’ve come to trust.
If you believe in the power of independent journalism and want to see The Austin Informer thrive, please consider donating today. Every bit of support makes a difference.
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